HP Trade In and Save is BACK!
Upgrade to the world’s most secure printers and MFPs – now for less.
Get up to $550 cash back through HP Trade In and Save 2016.
Participants in this promotion will receive a rebate based on the Manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of the new HP Printer purchased.
Rebates will be calculated as follows:
MSRP Rebate based on $ value of new machine:
$349 – $499.99 – $50 mail in rebate
$500 – $999.99 – $100 mail in rebate
$1,000 – $1,699.99 – $150 mail in rebate
$1,700 – $2,499.99 – $300 mail in rebate
$2,500 and Above – $500 mail in rebate
Participants who trade in a Non HP Competitive Printer will receive an additional rebate as
detailed below:
Trade In Printer Manufacturer Rebate
Xerox or Lexmark Printers $50
Non HP Competitive Printers (Excluding Xerox and Lexmark) $25
Save up to $550.00 by mail on a new HP laser printer when you recycle your old *laser printer.
Laser Line will even take care of shipping and recycling of your old printer!
A $30.00 to $50.00 value
*Desk top laser printers only. No floor standing units.
Promotion expires December 31,2016