In today’s tough financial climate, the last thing you need is to find out your profits are buried in a closet somewhere in your office.
Unfortunately, if you have a supply closet full of unused printer ink and toner, that’s exactly what you’re up against. 
In our over 30 years of experience, we’ve seen closets with upwards of $50,000.00 worth of supplies, some of which are outdated, or the machines they fit are no longer in the building. We’ve seen more storage closets like this than we care to count. These closets were documented at the company’s allowance to illustrate just how bad this issue truly is. Worst of all, you probably can’t return any of it.
You can’t go back and change what already happened, but you can fix this situation moving forward.
If your bottom line is slipping, we’d be happy to welcome you to the Laser Line PageSmart Program.
Because of our toner supplies management system, you’ll never need to stockpile ink and toner again.
When your toner is low, call us, and we’ll bring you a new one, remove the old one for recycling, clean the machine, and install the new toner.
No stacks of boxes, no outdated toner, no closet full of your hard-earned money.
The icing on the cake?
For the cost of the toner, we’ll do all of this at NO EXTRA CHARGE and NO CONTRACT.
Yep! You read that right!
We’ll deliver and install your new toner, remove the old one, and clean the machine. All you pay for is the toner, and get this: we charge around the same price you’re paying now.
You can read more about our PageSmart Program here.
How do you get on the PageSmart Program?
All you need to do to get started is to call us at 410-636-1700 and say, “I’d like to know more about PageSmart.”
From there, we’ll connect you with one of our trained print management reps. They’ll visit your site, inventory your printers, and label them.

Each of these toners is worth about $300.00
Once you’re all set up, call us whenever your printers need supplies or service. We’ll dispatch one of our factory-trained technicians to your location.
We aim to send the same technician to your site every time so they can become familiar with your business and your equipment.
From 5 printers to 100+, PageSmart won’t leave you with a closet full of your profits!
Ask yourself these honest questions, and if you’d like to find a better way, we’re here for you!
- Is your business in print chaos?
- Is your supplies closet stacked with outdated supplies for printers and copiers you no longer own or use?
- Are your employees purchasing toner on the fly from big box stores?
- Would you like to be able to budget your printing costs?
- Are you able to measure the amount of toner your company is using?
- Are your business machines the right fit for your print demand?
- Are some machines barely utilized while others are overworked and frequently breaking down?
- Are you looking for a solution that will not cost you more and will help you manage your printing costs?
Call us today at 410-636-1700 or fill out the form below, and we’ll contact you.